To the best of my knowledge I will be leaving for Busan sometime this weekend, although I haven't heard any specific flight info yet. This is torture, I'm no good without deadlines. If I knew my flight left on Friday no probs, I'd pack, do my banking stuff tie up all my loose ends and presto: productive Kevin. Since I have no deadlines I find myself hesitating on doing any of that stuff just yet. Well I'll find out when I find out, and I can;t use not knowing as an excuse not to be productive I guess. One of the reasons I'm taking this job is to get myself on a regular work schedule again. I've had way too much free time over the past few years and I'm hoping my upcoming lack of such will actually motivate me to do something productive with what little I end up with.
Oh and a note to those who are wondering about the 'kimchi' thing in the title: Kimchi is a very popular dish in Korea and is made out of pickled cabbage. I cannot eat cabbage. I'd rather sit down to a fear factor buffet of road apples and smegma than eat cabbage rolls. I have found myself unable to kiss my extremely kissable girlfriend after she eats cabbage. When I was a young boy I was once hit in the head with a cabbage patch kid (they had very hard heads). So really this trip is gonna be a knock down, drag out battle between me and the cabbage. Which is of course allegorical to the titanic struggle betwix good and evil. You can all vote on which one I represent.
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