Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Valentine's day.

Today was valentine's day here, not that big of a deal really. in Korea this is the day that girls give chocolate to guys. theres another dya in about a month when guys give chocolates to girls. i think that one will be more popular.
I got a few nice pieces from some students, which was sweet. I just ended up using the chocolates as prizes in games for later classes- which I felt a little guilty about. Only a little.
I'm of course missing my girlfriend on V-day, but the fact that the one here doesn't resemble the one back home at all makes it much easier.

Everything is on schedule for Ken and I hitting Seoul this weekend. We have the bullet train tickets (300000 km and hour!) and a hostel booked (Bunk Beds! I get to be on top!) and we're trying to get a tour of the DMZ arranged. The DMZ is the no-man's land between north and south korea and it has a lot of history around it. and a lot of tension still there. the only other border I've ever been to is the 'longest undefended border', so the most heavily guarded border' could be cool.

Well thats it, a bare bones update. Like to go longer but I've got a few things to prep before my trip. Happy V-day everyone.

ps. the irony of it being valentine's day and one of my students being named valentine was not completely lost on him, but pretty near close.

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