Monday, March 19, 2007

Enough about me...

There have been a lack of updates. For this I apologize. i have plenty of ideas and the same amount of time as ever but just haven't been in the right headspace.
Breakups will do that to you.
this isn't the type of blog where I publicly muse on completely personal issues (although it does unintentionally veer in that direction sometimes) so suffice to say I'll get back to blogging and away from brooding soon enough.
until then, how about you tell me how your day was?


schwindt6 said...

Wow! Nobody's commented in a while... I'm sorry Kevin, I was on March Break. Doesn't seem fair considering how much unscheduled time off I get, but hey, whatever.

Anyway, good to hear your still alive, and if it makes you feel better, fried chicken and beer is considered a healthy meal here. As long as you have cake for dessert.

Kevin Manley said...

i'm on the next plane!