Friday, March 02, 2007


Thank Goodness Its Not Monday

Today was the last day of my light work week and tumultuous contract negotiations and the dust seems to have settled in my favor. My new classes of students seemed pretty well behaved today and there doesn't seem to be any huge troublemakers in the bunch. Of course this means that Nick is probably stuck with all my old monster students. and when I say monsters I don't necessarily mean 'child of satan', but they're definitely in the bloodline.

There is one class I won't be teaching anymore that I will actually miss. This is one that would actually play English games together before class because they enjoyed them so much. And some of the students were coming a long way with their speaking since I was able to keep everyone in line with no trouble. they saw me in the hall today and when they found out I wasn't going to be teaching them anymore they were actually a little bummed. Which is a little surprising since most kids seem to have the memory spans of gnats and this is the first class to ever hold on to the memory of a teacher for longer than when one leaves the room.

But its probably for the best that Nick got that class, because when I think about two of my other classes that he got he will need the relief. He looked pretty frazzled today, but then he has long hair and horn rimmed glasses so its tough to look anything but frazzled or on the verge of a scientific breakthrough. He still hasn't finished negotiating his contract and I think that he was a little stressed over how the new workweek was shaping up. I felt kind of bad for him as he was walking into a class of kids I know to be 50% evil and I was heading home. But I didn't feel like... super-bad, since I was getting out an hour and a half earlier than him. Its like watching a World Vision commercial while eating pizza.

Tomorrow (Saturday) I go into to school for the entrance ceremony for the new Kindergarten classes. It shouldn't take more than 2 hours tops and once again my duties will be to just stand there and look white. I'm not actually teaching any of the new kids so my interest level for the proceedings (which is a base of zero for school events) will probably go well into the negatives.

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