Monday, October 23, 2006

almost there...

well, not geographically. I'm actually in chicago right now with another half hour until i board for the fourteen hour flight over the ocean. Its been a crazy day so far with me waking up late having to rush to airport and undergo my first plane ride ever on three hours of sleep.
I had a really good last day in canada. talked to a couple of really good friends on the phone, met up with my friend les for a few hours, and got to hang out with my girlfriend heather for a few hours and go to dinner with her.
I'm gonna miss lots of stuff in canada but she is definitely topping the list right now. its been the greatest relationship ive ever been in, we've been togethe a year and we're going strong. my job my friends, toronto I'll miss but she's special. anyway not to get weepy but it will be very different not seeing her for a whole year. but the time apart could be great for us. I need time to grow and become a better person, and thats so tought to do when I'm around her. cause when we're together things already seem really great and the motivatoin to better myself is small.
anyway yeah I'm scared shitless right now. don;t know what korea will be like. don't know if I'm gonna have a hlaf assed night's sleep and then start work the next day. but its an adventure. as my brother says, it'll rattle my cage a bit. and that is what I need. something on my resume besides a theatre degree and three years as a personal trainer might be good too.

anyway goodbye heather, I'll see you real soon.

1 comment:

schwindt6 said...

I feel your pain (re: leaving behind great girlfriend), and also, good luck! You'll do awesome, or at the very least, you'll do ;-)