Thursday, November 30, 2006

A quickie

Kinda in a rush today, but I thought I'd update a bit for the sake of my worry prone mom who reads this. Things are going fine, I will be moving to a new place next week. Its nothing special but its a step up from the place I'm in now. Today I had to go buy a plunger. Nuff said.

It will be kind of weird moving and getting used to a new neighbourhood, but I think its for the best.

yeah well, nothing else to say.


The Virgin Traveller said...

WOW KEVIN!!! This was by far the most exciting blog you've EVER written!! I was wondering what had happened to you after you decided to subsist solely on Oatmeal - and look what it did! It got you a new apartment! KAZAM!

This "Quickie" posting has left me feeling unsatisfied and slightly used - and hungry for more "Kevin"

Anonymous said...

I too was moved by this blog. Kevin - does kimchee do that to you? Where can I get some in the GTA? Well, good luck out there. Can you get Marmite in the western market?

Kevin Manley said...

yeah I'm pretty sure you can get marmite, but who the heck would want to?

no said...

Too much damn oatmeal... thats why the plunger was suddenly needed. All yor precious minerals overflowing onto the bathroom floor.