Sunday, December 10, 2006


Now that I finally have internet I can post some pics. i haven't taken very many, but heres some from my Japan trip.
I'll post pics of the old apartment vs. new apartment later,

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A weird Japanese arcade, we were lured in by the pretty lights.

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A game in said arcade. If you'll look closely you'll see that the prize is indeed onion crackers.

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street curling, just like in Canada!

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the pony in the middle of the street. WTF?

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the nice little japanese noodle restaurant with the porno mags under the counter.

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Ben and Julian, midway between smooth enlgishmen and sloppy drunk (unless those are synonyms)

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Yep the bar was called "Happy Cock"

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This was the robe the hotel had for me. I though it was so cool it came with an offical Mr Miyagi headband. Settle down Blake, I know Miyagi was in fact Okinawan- but thats okay b/c I realized after the pic that the headband was in fact a belt.

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Japan is wierd.

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But then so is Korea.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow. Asia is weird. Sure, it's weird here too, but nothing a few beers wouldn't solve... (mmm... beer...) But there, it's weird, and I think it would get weirder with a couple of beers. Crazy. Enjoy your happy cock!