Monday, January 15, 2007

A good day

Well with Ken's complaint on my last post I think I should mention that if you're ever just jonsin' for a blog update you can click on the link to the left for my Myspace blog, where I do my non-korea related thoughts. I usually update each one every other day, taking the sabbath off. But be warned whereas this blog is PG, the other one is distinctly PG13.

Today was another day where I came off smelling like roses despite being full of shit. Well that isn't the best description of the day actually but that sentence just flowed so well I couldn't resist. First off since all my clothes were either dirty or hopelessly wrinkled (no dryers and me being too stupid to use fabric softener makes a puzzle that requires 2o minutes with an iron to fix) so I ended up wearing dress pants with a collared shirt and a sweater vest to cover up the fact that the shirt was wrinkled. Did I look still pretty biz-cas-fri? Yep. Was it still better than they're used to any foreign teacher dressing? heck yeah.
Now this dress was helpful since this turned out to be one of the days that the director was hovering around all day. It also happened to be the day that Nick had to call in sick with food poisoning , on a day when one of the Korean teachers was on vacation. The director mentioned them both to me and commended me for always showing up. Yeah damn Nick for getting food poisoning, what a bastard he was (not like the honor-system health code here could have had much to do with that). And Julie? Taking time off for her honeymoon? What. A. Bitch.

This was also the day I figured out a new game for my kids that went over really well. There's these vocabulary flashcards I'm suppose to use- I have to stretch the same 8 words for one month. So I decided to just improvise a bit with my one kindergarten class and set up a mock store where they could buy the food items on the flashcards with play money I doled out. I just figured that learning how to navigate buying things in a store might be more useful to them than asking them for the 5oth time how to plant a seed. Well they did great with it, granted there are only a few phrases to know but they tackled it with more enthusiasm than I've seen in them before. I do think that more roleplaying exercises would benefit these kids as it takes the pressure of school off them (they have way too much) and as a theatre grad i could really help them with their motivation and characterization:

ME: Okay Valentine, you're buying the yogurt but I want you to use some sense memory and think about your dead grandma when she tells you they don't have any.
VALENTINE: Moo Laa? [huh?]

Anyway this is the first roleplaying exercise I've managed to pull off successfully. Very successfully in fact. I had that class twice today and the second class they begged me to play again. I upped the vocabulary they needed to use and just corrected their syntax when needed. I even let some of the kids run the shop and got to mostly sit back and watch. And the director got to see a very engaged class doing a complicated exercise she couldn't figure out. But the kids were happy and speaking english so she was fine with it.

The other few classes she peeked in on were all pretty well behaved, I think I'm just getting a feel for what approaches work with which classes. Which will serve me for two more weeks until the new semester starts and the classes all change (hope I don't lose my favourites).

On my way to my last class bogged down with important looking books she told me that she was 'happy that you always working hard.' Its tough to believe she runs an english school sometimes. Truth be told the important looking books were the 'teachers books' that no one else uses that lay out the daily lesson plan for you, and I am putting as little effort into my job as possible. I will never be a kindergarten teacher, but I am proving myself not incompetent at my work and apparently that is enough for praise around here. there must be some horrible teachers in this country. And this is not me fishing for compliments or downplaying my natural abilities, I'm seriously not suited to this job long term- but its nice to know there can be good days now and then


Anonymous said...

Stand in front of a humidifier for long enough and you won't have any wrinkles or a crease in your pants and you will probably grow mold.

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