Wednesday, January 24, 2007

No Such Thing as a Free Lunch

I have officially given up on the hagwon lunches. Well not officially but after a half week without them I can’t see myself going back. It isn’t all ticker tape and streamers. We had some good times me and them. That nice little stainless steel bowl of rice that I never opened, despite the lunchlady’s repeated pleas to eat. The cold fishsticks served with ketchup. The kimchi, which oddly I don’t mind unless its made from radish, which is funny b/c of my hatred for cabbage. The soup that I have I nothing clever to say about because I generally liked it. All of this I have decided to forgo. The unreliability of the lunches has convinced me to just go home and make my own.

Nick recently bought a motorcycle, I think its just to prove that he has more balls than me (four and counting), and he has been jetting home for lunch and I started to think about it myself. I tried it on Monday and I think it’ll become a routine. Most days I have a silly hour and twenty minute break for lunch, now seeing as how I don’t do any prep work for class (I would if there were any materials to prep) I just usually end up doing very little and generally wasting that time. Monday contained in it an exasperating enough morning that when I thought about all the good food i had in my fridge and the awesome Ethiopian coffee my girlfriend sent me I just had to get out of the school. I figure the walk helps too. Airs my brain out a bit, and probably burns like a billion calories.

I sometimes rate the difficulty of a job by how many cups of coffee I need in a day to face it. Now I get plenty of sleep so its not a tiredness thing, its more about little rewards I give myself throughout the day for making it so far without a fatality. One day I’m sure I will have an office job and a bowl of Rolos on the desk for everytime I answer an email successfully. Now I guess today I had six cups of the ole black magic, but that’s only because my coffee maker creates three at a time and I have trouble convincing myself not to make a full batch. Its like a firefighter only saving one puppy from a burning building instead of grabbing the lot. I know that seems a little overblown, but I really likey my coffee.

In my past job I got used to coming home on breaks, and it has its ups and downs. Number one is that I do find I can relax so much better when in my own place (and yes that means I’m naked). I can also eat what I want (peanut butter and mayonnaise!) without having to scavenge. Some down sides are that its tough to get into and out of relaxation mode in an hour. Many times I only get into it. Like today for instance, I was able to loosen up a bit during my break but didn’t have time to shadow box, let out some grunts and get my game back on before I went back to school. Which left me a little sedated for the rest of the work day. Which was probably good cause its really not a great job to get worked up over.

I looked into some package tour things here. Taking a look at a little island resort or maybe just a quickie to Seoul. I know I’m in a foreign country and should be doing more to take in the sights and unless I do darn soon I’m not going to see any of them. I have a whole list of reasons why its tough for me to go (busy, tired and scared basically but articulated in a much more stable defense) but there is one darn good reason to go: b/c I want to.

At one point by the end of Feburary I will have left this city at least once. This is vow. If I don’t I will banish this blog to nothingness.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can vouch for that naked around the house thing… ;o)